The “Elite Show Car” is a category designed for entrants who have the best or “Elite” vehicles at the show.

Each vehicle is judged over 7 categories: Body Work, Paint Work, Engine & Components, Under Carriage & Driveline, Interior & Rear compartment, Impact & Display, Overall Innovation.

A total of 1000 points is allocated and the breakdown is per the following criteria:

The innovation, level of engineering, use of custom-made components, extent of modifications and degree of difficulty are all judged.

  • Bodywork – including all panels, body kits, under body, glass, trim, and mouldings
  • Paintwork –  for all exterior, interior & under bonnet/boot painted surfaces
  • Engine & Associate Components – includes installation and modification of all hardware & accessories
  • Undercarriage & Driveline – including chassis, brakes, suspension, steering, exhaust, wheels & tyres
  • Interior & Rear Compartment – including trim, audio/vision, gadgetry and fabrication/moulding
  • Impact & Display – of overall vehicle
  • Overall Innovation – for builders that think outside the box, and take the risks to build something new and different

Each vehicle is awarded points out of 1000 using the table below:

The Extreme Auto Expo Elite Show Cars category rewards the person/vehicle that is prepared to extend the boundaries and extensive experience from all areas of the custom vehicle industry. This ethos is applied to all the below judging.

Bodywork: 170 points
Paintwork: 180 points
Engine & Components: 140 points
Undercarriage & Driveline: 140 points
Interior & Rear compartment: 170 points
Impact & Display: 100 points
Overall Innovation: 100 points

Total 1000 points

After the points are compiled a Judges Meeting takes place to discuss all aspects of the criteria and the judging.


To enter this section of the Expo, simply complete the Entry Form.

PLEASE provide a photo of your car with your completed entry form and payment.

This can be via email, or post us a picture. If your vehicle is incomplete some progress pictures, plans & a description of what the end result will look like is fine.

Elite Trophy list – this year (2025) we are awarding 1st, 2nd & 3rd place Trophies (previously only 1st & 2nd awarded)